
Recurrence Plots and Cross Recurrence Plots

Software/ Programmes

Filter by: MATLAB, Python, Julia, R, Java, C/C++, commandline, web app, standalone application [reset filter]

Available software for the creation and application of RPs and their quantitative analysis facilitates the spread of their application (no claim to completeness):

  1. tseriesChaos: Analysis of Nonlinear Time Series
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    by Antonio Fabio Di Narzo (2005)
    Routines for the analysis of nonlinear time series, including the creation of a simple recurrence plot. This work was mainly based on routines as implemented in TISEAN.

  2. fNonlinear: Nonlinear and Chaotic Time Series Modelling
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    by Diethelm Wuertz and many others, see the SOURCE file (2007)
    R package with similar functionality as the TISEAN package.

  3. RHRV: Heart Rate Variability Analysis of ECG Data
    by Leandro Rodriguez-Linares (2008)
    A package for heart rate variability analysis for R, including the calculation of RQA measures.

  4. nonlinearTseries
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    by Constantino Antonio Garcia Martinez (2013)
    nonlinearTseries is an R package providing functions for nonlinear time series analysis. It contains functions for recurrence plot calculation and RQA.

  5. crqa: Cross-Recurrence Quantification Analysis for Categorical and Continuous Time-Series
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    by Moreno I. Coco and Rick Dale (2014)
    An R package for cross-recurrence quantification.

  6. mdRQA

    by Sebastian Wallot (2016)
    Single function for MATLAB and R to calculate RP and RQA.

  7. casnet: An R toolbox for studying Complex Adaptive Systems and NETworks
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    by Fred Hasselmann (2018)
    An R package with a collection of analytic tools for studying signals, including recurrence quantification analysis.

  8. Resources for recurrence quantification analysis

    by Alexandra Paxton (2019)
    Tools and tutorials to help with RQA and CRQA in R.

  9. randseqR
    last commit
    by Fred Hasselman (2019)
    An R package for calculating randomness and redundancies in sequences of symbols. It includes categorical RQA.

Comparison of the calculation speeds and between some of the software can be found in:

Recurrence Plots Online

Try out online, what recurrence plots are:
Recurrence Plots Online

Mathematica Demonstrations Project:
Recurrence-Based Representations of the Logistic Map

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The material of this web site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Germany License.

Please respect the copyrights! The content of this web site is protected by a Creative Commons License. You may use the text or figures, but you have to cite this source ( as well as N. Marwan, M. C. Romano, M. Thiel, J. Kurths: Recurrence Plots for the Analysis of Complex Systems, Physics Reports, 438(5-6), 237-329, 2007.

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