Software/ Programmes
Filter by: MATLAB, Python, Julia, R, Java, C/C++, commandline, web app, standalone application [reset filter]Available software for the creation and application of RPs and their quantitative analysis facilitates the spread of their application (no claim to completeness):
CRP Toolbox for MATLAB
by Norbert Marwan (1998)
Allows for the creation of RPs, CRPs as well as JRPs, quantification analysis of RPs, CRPs and JRPs includes the new measures of complexity as LAM and TT, time scale alignment tool based on CRPs and further useful tools and methods of nonlinear time series analysis and data preparation are provided, platform independent (for Matlab), both usage of graphical user interface as well as commandline call is possible, a plugin is available enabeling the computation of RPs and RQA of long data series.
» RqaPython
by BARLab (2013)
Simple MATLAB and Python functions to create RPs and perform RQA.
» quantification analysis (RQA) for MATLAB
by Gaoxiang Ouyang (2014)
Simple MATLAB functions for calculating recurrence plots and recurrence quantification analysis.
by Peter beim Graben (2014)
MATLAB code to perform recurrence grammar and recurrence structure analysis (RSA).
» and highly comparative time-series analysis
by Ben Fulcher (2015)
MATLAB package for time series classification using many time-series features, including recurrence time entropy.
» box of recurrence plot and recurrence quantification analysis
by Hui Yang (2016)
A MATLAB toolbox for recurrence plot and recurrence quantification analysis.
» Recurrence Analysis Toolbox
by Hui Yang (2016)
A MATLAB toolbox for heterogeneous recurrence quantification analysis.
by Jordan Sorokin (2016)
MATLAB function to calculate phasespace, distance matrix, and recurrence matrix of a time series.
by Sebastian Wallot (2016)
Single function for MATLAB and R to calculate RP and RQA.
» and CRQA GUI-Application
by Mike Richardson (2018)
MATLAB scripts for a GUI-based RQA.
by Mike Richardson (2018)
MATLAB scripts for RQA.
» time-series analysis software for paleoclimate research and education
by Mingsong Li (2018)
A MATLAB toolbox consisting of many time series analysis tools, including a simple recurrence plot creation. It is also available as a standalone application.
by Jordan Sorokin (2018)
A MATLAB package for decomposing, analyzing, and visualizing chaotic properties of time series data, including recurrence plots and RQA measures.
» Plot & Quantification
by Hauke Kraemer and Norbert Marwan (2019)
Simple MATLAB functions for calculating recurrence plots and recurrence quantification.
» effect corrections for RQA
by Hauke Kraemer (2019)
MATLAB code to calculate RPs and perform RQA with various border corrections schemes (according to H. Kraemer and N. Marwan, Phys. Lett. A, 2019).
» Analysis of Complexity and Entropy in Physiological Signals
by Deepak Panday (2020)
MATLAB GUI with wrapper to external software packages that include functions for calculating recurrence plots and recurrence quantification
» Transition Detection Algorithm (PTDA)
by Kathrin Viol (2020)
MATLAB package for change point analysis including recurrence plots.
» An Open-Source Toolbox for Non-linear Time Series Analysis
by Clinical Systems Neuroscience, University Hospital Giessen & Marburg (2021)
MATLAB Toolbox including methods for dynamical systems theory, recurrence qunatification analysis, and information theory.
» recurrence plot and quantification analysis -CRP, CRQA
by Hui Yang, Adam Meyers, and Mohammed Buqammaz (2021)
A MATLAB toolbox providing functions for cross recurrence plot (CRP) and cross recurrence quantification analysis (CRQA).
» Analysis Core Library
by UNO Biomechanics (2021)
MATLAB toolbox including a function to calculate RQA measures.
Comparison of the calculation speeds and between some of the software can be found in:
- J. Belaire-Franch, D. Contreras: Recurrence Plots in Nonlinear Time Series Analysis: Free Software, Journal of Statistical Software 7(9) (2002).
Recurrence Plots Online
Try out online, what recurrence plots are:
Recurrence Plots Online
Mathematica Demonstrations Project:
Recurrence-Based Representations of the Logistic Map
The material of this web site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Germany License.
Please respect the copyrights! The content of this web site is protected by a Creative Commons License. You may use the text or figures, but you have to cite this source ( as well as N. Marwan, M. C. Romano, M. Thiel, J. Kurths: Recurrence Plots for the Analysis of Complex Systems, Physics Reports, 438(5-6), 237-329, 2007.
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