September 22-24, 2021
Lublin, Poland
Recurrence plot symposium Lublin 2021.

Special Issue "Trends in recurrence analysis of dynamical systems"

Special Issue Online

Contributions can be published in the special issue "Trends in recurrence analysis of dynamical systems" in EPJ ST, a Springer hosted, ISI listed journal (Impact factor: 2.707 (2020)). All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed to ensure a high quality of the publications.

Deadline for submissions is April 30th, 2022 June 30th, 2022.

Manuscripts should be submitted through During submission, please specify that the paper is intended for the special issue “Trends in Recurrence Analysis of Dynamical Systems”. (During the submission process you will see the question "Does this manuscript belong to a special issue?" (in Additional information). When selectingt "Yes" the list with all current special issues appears and you can choose. There are many special issues in the list. Select the correct one!)

EPJ ST relies on a LaTeX layout so, a LaTeX template is available:; a MS Word template is also available: The general instructions for authors can be found at

This journal follows a hybrid publication form, i.e., open access publication is possible. The cost for (optional) open access is usually £2180.00/$3280.00/€2590.00. However, tf the corresponding author is at an institute that has an Open Access Read and Publish Agreement with Springer, the paper will be automatically open access and the costs will be covered by this agreement. More information on this agreement at Open Access Agreements.

Guest editors: Norbert Marwan, Charles Webber, Andrzej Rysak
