Conference Programme
The time for talks is 15 min, plus 5 min discussion (invited talks are 40 min, plus 5 min discussion). Presentations should be prepared as PowerPoint, Keynote, or pdf file. Animations should be avoided, because of the latencies in virtual environment.
The prefered size of the posters is A0 or ArchE portrait (i.e. higher than wide). A hook will be available for hanging as well as material for fixing the posters in the support.
Please note that there will not be an online poster session available. The poster session will only take place in person. Thank you for your understanding.
Monday, August 28th
| | | | |-----|-----------------------|-------| | | | | |8:30 |Registration | | | | | | |9:00 |Opening | | | | | | | |Methodological Aspects 1: New Directions || | | | | |9:10 |Shotaro Akaho |Keynote Lecture: Kernel methods for machine learning| | | | | |9:55|Thiago de Lima Prado |(online) New developments in recurrence microstates| | | | | |10:15 |Yoshito Hirata |Mathematics of recurrence plots| | | | | |10:35|Coffee break || | | | | | |Methodological Aspects 2: New RP Approaches || | | | | |11:00|Norbert Marwan, Tobias Braun, K. Hauke Kraemer, Abhirup Banerjee, Deniz Eroglu|Recurrence plots for analysing extreme events data| | | | | |11:20|Iurii Nagornov |Recurrence plot representation of points series during meta-sampling based on maxima weighted isolation kernel method| | | | | |11:40|Martijn Bousse, Philippe Dreesen, Pietro Bonizzi, Joel Karel, Ralf Peeters|Dealing with incomplete data: A structured tensor-completion approach for recurrence plots| | | | | |12:00|Charles L. Webber, Jr.|Polar recurrence plots with quantifications| | | | | |12:20|Sebastian Wallot, Dan Mønster|Multidimensional joint recurrence quantification analysis: Detecting coupling between time series of different dimensionalities| | | | | |12:40|Lunch || | | | | |14:00|Cheng-Bang Chen, Yujie Wang, Bo Peng|(online) Weighted heterogeneous recurrence network analysis for complex system characterization| | | | | |14:20|Zahra Shahriari, Shannon D. Algar, David M. Walker, Michael Small|Understanding recurrence with ordinal first return maps| | | | | | |Methodological Aspects 3: Parameter Selection|| | | | | |14:40|Rémi Delage, Toshihiko Nakata|A variable recurrence detection threshold for nonstationary data| | | | | |15:00|Braden Thorne|The benefits of reservoir computing embedding for recurrence analysis| | | | | |15:20|Eugene Tan, Shannon Algar, Débora Corrêa, Michael Small, Thomas Stemler, David Walker|Persistent strands as a method of selecting embedding lags| | | | | |15:40|Coffee break || | | | | |16:10|Radim Pánis, Karel Adámek, Norbert Marwan|(online) Averaged recurrence quantification analysis -- Method omitting the recurrence threshold choice| | | | | |16:30 |Felipe Eduardo Lopes da Cruz, Sergio Roberto Lopes, Thiago de Lima Prado|(online) How to compute minimum diagonal length for recurrence analysis of continuous systems| | | | | | |Applications in Earth Science & Ecology|| | | | | |16:50|Saureesh Das |(online) Chaotic dynamics of ENSO model derived from SOI time series| | | | | |17:10|Matheus Henrique Junqueira Saldanha, Yoshito Hirata|To what extent is solar activity stochastic?| | | | |
Tuesday, August 29th
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|8:50 |Welcome & miscellaneous announcements||
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| |Applications in Life Science|
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|9:00 |Annick Lesne |Keynote Lecture: Recurrence plots and chromosomal contact maps: A unified approach to dynamical systems and genomics|
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|9:45|Claudia Lerma, Martin Calderón-Juarez, G. Hortensia Gonzalez-Gomez, Itayetzin Beurini Cruz-Vega|(online) Effect of healthy aging on the quantitative recurrence plot analysis of heart rate variability|
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|10:05|Arnaldo F. Neto, Fabio Godinho, Luiz R. T. da Silva, Andre K. Takahata, Maria S. G. Rocha, Diogo C. Soriano|(online) Recurrence quantification analysis for evaluating subthalamic rhythms dynamics with application to Parkinson's disease phenotypes|
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|10:25|Coffee break ||
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|11:00|Jiarui Li, Michiko Matsunaga, Masako Myowa, and Yukie Nagai|Co-regulation of the day-long autonomic nervous system in children and caregivers – Analysis using (cross) recurrence plot|
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|11:20|Bruno G. Straiotto, Norbert Marwan, P. John Seeley|Exploring synchronisation in lower limb coordination in a rhythmic body movement: A quantitative analysis|
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|11:40|Daichi Shimizu, Takeshi Okada|Visualization and quantification of the coordination of rhythmic and back-and-forth movements among dancers depending on the competitive context|
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|12:00|Magdalena Szmytke, David Lopez Perez, Przemysław Tomalski|Changes in the complexity of infantile motor brain activity in response to audiovisual speech|
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|12:20|Monika Tschense, Sebastian Wallot|Regularity in eye movement data during text reading|
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|12:40|Lunch ||
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|14:00|Narayan Puthanmadam Subramaniyam, Jari Hyttinen|Network-based time series measures|
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|14:20|Alon Tomashin, Ilanit Gordon, Giuseppe Leonardi, Sebastian Wallot|Distinguishing between fractal dimensions in time series using RQA – Analysis technique and its application in psychophysiology|
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|15:00|Poster session ||
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|19:00|Banquet ||
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Wednesday, August 30th
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|8:50 |Welcome & miscellaneous announcements||
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| |Applications in Physics ||
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|9:00 |Jürgen Kurths |Keynote Lecture: Recurrence analysis in the context of complex networks|
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|9:45 |Matheus R. Sales, Michele Mugnaine, Jose D. Szezech Jr., Ricardo L. Viana, Ibere L. Caldas, Norbert Marwan, and Juergen Kurths|(online) Characterization of stickiness in quasi-integrable Hamiltonian systems by an entropy-based measure of the recurrence plots|
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| |Methodological Aspects 4: Quantifying Recurrence Properties ||
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|10:05|Xuegeng Mao |Multifractal recurrence lacunarity and weighted determinism analysis of order recurrence plot|
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|10:25|Coffee break ||
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|11:00|Igari Daiki, Shimada Yutaka|Effect of graph distances on recurrence quantification analysis of temporal networks|
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|11:20|Sebastian Wallot |Hierarchical joint recurrence quantification|
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|11:40|Tommaso Alberti, Davide Faranda, Reik V. Donner|Scale dependence of recurrence-based point-wise fractal dimension estimates in chaotic systems|
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| |Applications in Engineering||
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|12:00|Arkadiusz Syta, Jacek Czarnigowski, Piotr Jaklinski, Norbert Marwan|Recurrence quantificators in misfire detection in a small aircraft engine|
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|12:20|David DeFilippo|Coupled oscillator systems and the interactive synthesis of intentional musical sequences|
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|12:40|Lunch ||
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|14:00|Zezhou Liu, Jinzhao Liu|Rail corrugation detection based on time-frequency recurrence plot and graph convolutional neural networks|
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|14:20|Bartlomiej Ambrozkiewicz, Arkadiusz Syta, Grzegorz Litak, Anthimos Georgiadis, Alexander Gassner, Nicolas Meier|Recurrence analysis in the diagnostics of rolling-element bearings|
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|14:40|Denis Stanescu, Angela Digulescu, Cornel Ioana|(online) On the definition of the phase diagram based entropy for transient signal characterization|
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|15:00|Hamed Hoorijani|(online) Real time recurrence-CFD: Accelerating multiphase flow simulations using recurrence analysis|
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|15:20|Kamal S. Kumar|(online) Nonlinear dynamical combustion stability analysis of a CNG-diesel RCCI engine using recurrence plots|
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|15:40|Romuald Mosdorf, Gabriela Rafalko, Hubert Grzybowski, Pawel Dzienis|(online) Microchannel heat transfer stability assessment using the microstates entropy recurrence plot diagonal lines|
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Poster Session
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|Poster 1 |Mehdi Akbarzadeh, Sebastian Oberst, Shahrokh Sepehrirahnama, Ben Halkon|Recurrence plots for the analysis of nonlinear dynamical behavior of a particle trapped in an external induced radiation force field|
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|Poster 2 |Itayetzin B. Cruz-Vega, Martin Calderon-Juarez, G. Hortensia Gonzalez-Gomez, Claudia Lerma|Heart rate variability dynamics behavior before and after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty: Recurrence plot analysis approach|
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|Poster 3 |Reik V. Donner, Davide Faranda, Tommaso Alberti|Transient nature of local dimension estimates from recurrences in phase space|
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|Poster 4 |Reik V. Donner, Sabrina Hempel|Recurrence analysis of methane emissions of naturally ventilated cattle buildings|
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|Poster 5 |Kentaro Kodama, Daichi Shimizu|Multi-timescale recurrent structure in rap lyrics|
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|Poster 6 |Kentaro Kodama, Kazuhiro Yasuda, Ryosaku Makino|Application of recurrence analysis to patient-therapist coordination during gait rehabilitation|
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|Poster 7 |Ryota Nomura|Testing the reliability of expert stage performances using a cross recurrence plot|
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|Poster 8 |Masanori Shiro|Amount of operators connecting columns in a recurrence plot|
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