active participitation and real workshop,
- to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the introduction of recurrence plots
- to bring together people currently involved in recurrence plot research
- to get to know these people
- to exchange knowledges and opinions
- to enhance the publicity of RP based methods
- theoretical background of RPs in the context of
ergodic theory
- better understanding and interpretation of RPs
- to fathom future potentials in analysis of
spatio-temporal data, image analysis, statistical tests etc.
- introduction in recurrence plot based methods
- historical overview about RPs, RQA, recent developments
(CRPs, JRPs, dynamical invariants)
open session with free contributions
- electronics
- economics
- physiology
- molecular biology
- astrophysics
- climate
- earth sciences (geophysics, palaeo-climate)
Practical workshop
- demonstrations of methods, applications on data
- comparisons of methods
- your contribution is highly welcome!
Theoretical aspects, new developments
- importance of recurrences
- mathematical background
- non-importance of embedding
- UPOs
- JRPs, synchronisation
- dynamical invariants
- noise
- attractor reconstruction
- recurrence times
Related methods
- close return plots
- contact maps
- recurrence spectra
- recurrence time statistics
- dynamical time warping
Where to go to
- perspectives
- round table discussion